Mission & Beliefs   |   Statement of Faith   |   Meet Deborah

Welcome to Deborah Chandler Ministries, a worldwide evangelistic ministry designed to connect people to the power of Christ. Our desire is for you to know, understand, believe and live in the power of Christ. And it’s through teaching, preaching and demonstrating the gospel of Jesus Christ that we are connecting people that are lost, hurting and dying to the miraculous transforming power of God.

Founded in 2009, this ministry is based on 1 Cor. 1:24 where Paul says, “Christ the wisdom of God and the Power of God.” Christ demonstrated His power while on earth by opening blind eyes, causing the lame to walk, healing all manner of diseases and meeting man’s spiritual and physical needs. And before He left this earth He said that He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do and greater works than these because I go to my Father (St John 14:16).

Through this Ministry we are continuing the works of Christ by going into all the world and presenting the gospel with passion, love and simplicity. By laying hands on the sick, casting out devils and giving of ourselves and our substance to helping those in need.

    To preach, teach and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    To see all humanity come to know, understand, believe and live in the power of Christ.

    To connect people to the power of Christ by preaching, teaching and demonstrating the gospel Jesus Christ.