Acts of Love, is the outreach program of Deborah Chandler Ministries. One of the greatest things we can do in life is give to others what God has given to us, His love. God gave us His love when He gave us His Son Jesus Christ. And Jesus gave us His loved when He died on the cross for us. We in turn give the love of God when we reach out to the poor and those who are in need.

Acts of Love ministers to the needs of the poor in our community through our monthly Feeding Program and our Adopt-A-Senior Program. We believe no act of love is too small. St. John 6:1-4 tells the story of a little boy who gave his lunch of two pieces of fish and five loaves of bread to Jesus. What appeared to be so little amongst so many Jesus took it and blessed it and multiplied it. This little boy will be remembered throughout eternity not for who he was but for his simple act of love. Each of us can do something. When you give to this ministry you are freely giving what was freely given to you.

Thank you for your help and support to this ministry. Click here to Donate.

Current Projects:

Feeding the Hungry

Feeding Program
Serving brown bag lunches to the homeless in our community the third Saturday of each month.

Lending a helping hand

Lending a helping hand to our seniors when we hear of a need.

Passion Of Mary Grief Support
Passion Of Mary supports mothers who have experienced the bitter cup of losing a child by providing support groups and annual events to raise awareness and funds to support grieving families.